From: | that frolicsome kid |
To: | Whom this may concern |
Date: | 26 March 2007, 22:17 |
Subject: | Goals Meme |
I remembered that I was tagged by TopChamp once upon a time. Whoops, I can't believe it took me a month to respond to the tag. As I am in need to define my goals clearly, I am going to take advantage of this Five Things Meme and list down the goals I need to achieve this year. Priority is given to the most important tasks I need to accomplish, of course. ;)
Five goals to set my eyes on:
1. Faithfully revise at the very least 1 subject a day. This is so much easier said than done. =( With the hectic schedules I will be having up the coming year, I don't think I can risk burning the midnight oil again. I shall prove to myself that I can do it for the upcoming mid-year examinations. I have a feeling I will surprise myself (good or bad). A subject a day keeps procrastination at bay. =D (My conscience thinking: "Right...")
2. Improve on my linguistic skills, especially Malay. To be honest, my Malay teacher isn't helping much to further refine my stuttering Malay. I can even feel my grip on the language loosening and the level of Malay slowly sinking into the never-ending abyss. I seriously need to pull my ropes together - by reading Malay novels 24/7 and have that big fat Malay dictionary nearby to look up for unfamiliar (and once familiar) words. Hopefully, when my active vocabulary list has build up to the standard level, I'll be able to handle this language much more eloquently. =\ Same goes to English, I am beginning to feel that the once-beautiful words I spontaneously learned are slowly becoming cliched with frequent use. Time to widen the vocabulary pool. The same applies to German too.
It's the vocabulary in each of these respective languages that is holding me back from expressing myself "eloquently". I have no problems with understanding the syntax of these languages. My vocabulary needs to be expanded!
3. Get the school prefects' magazine done. I need to tell my council members to get writing reports of the school activities that took place this year. I need to study more magazines to get a feel of how magazines are designed. Time to subscribe to Readers' Digest! *chuckles* Cancel the humour there, I do not want to think about the head of prefect to give a big thumbs down to our magazine and begin doing everything by herself. =(
4. Learn to use Macromedia Flash 8 and master it within 3 months for the sake of an inter-school computer competition. I think it will be fun, but the problem is my reluctance to learn new things (again!) and also the lethargy of committing myself into it seriously.
5. Lastly, to learn to manage my time well. Without this, my mission of realising my goals will evaporate just like that. I need to say no to temptation, say no to procrastination and like what Nike has said: "Just do it!"
This time, I'm not tagging anyone but if you are up for it, then be my guest and have a go at this meme. You can talk five things about any subject; it does not need to be about your goals. =)
There are so many things I want to blog but I procrastinated again just couldn't find the time and energy to do so. This was also supposed to be written a long time ago, so that I know where I stand and where am I supposed to head. I wish I could sleep now but I need to learn up something for tomorrow's Flash training. *sigh* So much for beauty sleep. I see you guys soon! *weak smile*
Comments (13):
Date:27/3/07 00:04
Actually you've reminded me that Burekaboy tagged me to do a weird food facts one a while back (around the time I tagged you actually!)... Hmm...
Date:27/3/07 17:02
So, practise,practise, practise and keep the loonyness away!
Date:28/3/07 08:33
Good luck with it. I know it'll be hard at first, but it's easy to get used to :)
Date:28/3/07 09:39
Let's have some fun :-)
Date:28/3/07 21:18
Hey TopChamp! I initially wanted to use the meme as my wishlist but I thought I'd address the more important issues first. ;) Hahahaha, what a funny way this meme reminded you to write up another meme. =D
Hello whenn! So does that mean if I know 4 languages (yes, 4 although I can't speak 3 of them well =P), does that mean I delay dementia by 16 years? =D Whoa!
That's so unfair that you got paid to learn, katelyn! I'm not! =P I understood Flash's basic functions after learning to use it for 3 days. I have to learn the more advanced animation commands (great, more reading of boring tutorials! =P). And yes, it's fun! =D
Hey Cap'n! I found a new hat while on board the ship. I think it's wackier than the guy in the blog layout. ;)
Date:29/3/07 06:23
With regards to learning languages- i can relate. My first spoken language was Turkish - them my Dad insisted with us focusing on English here in Australia. It's the same for me - my vocabulary is limited.
My brother's multi-lingual now & Malay is one of the languages he's picked up. Books can be a dry method of gaining vocabulary. Could you consider another medium to expose yourself to more malay? My brother used radio & videos online. He used to record the audio onto tape and listen to it in the car ;)
Very endearing to hear you care about the head prefect not doing too much of the work on her own with the mag. Fashion - advice column, recipes?
All the best with learning flash. [gags] Macromedia/director mob design the most user-unfriendly systems imho. The learning curve is too steep for me. Look forward to seeing how you go with things nevertheless. Take care ;)
Date:29/3/07 21:17
Hi r'acquel! School never teaches us these life-essential tools. In my case, I learned to try and manage my time properly through many experiences gone wrong. Advices given by teachers to fully utilise each second of our life are pretty vague themselves...
I didn't know research was involved in defeating that demon. =O I look forward to reading your article. =D
Wow, it's amazing how enthusiastic is your brother learning Malay, when majority of my friends loathed learning it. I haven't really consider watching Malay dramas and learning Malay online via podcasts and online newspapers, although it's a good suggestion! I need to try that asap; I'm desperate to score an A in that subject, lol! =P
Yes, I do not want external interventions. I had had enough, as explain in the blog post above. No, the magazine's main purpose is to recap the year's activities. It's different from the school yearbook - it's internally circulated among us prefects. =)
Flash is user-unfriendly? Tell me about it - most Adobe software are! The learning curve is really too steep. However, once this hurdle is overcomed, we can fully utilise the incredibly powerful tools! =O And that's no laughing matter! ;) And take care too! =)
Date:29/3/07 22:17
I've been a designer working on the "PC" platform. Primary program for professional design layout work is Corel Draw - which is very similar to Illustrator - but a lot more "user-friendly" for me.
A lot of flack for being a PC-based designer, the MAC's folks have usually been real snobs. The thing is - it doesn't matter what bloody program you use - it's how shit hot & effective your work is in meeting the client's needs in the end ;) A business card is a bloody business card at the end of the day!
I was fearing that your school was probably the same as how it used to be for me. Do they set you a *single* project deadline and it's just up to you to work out how the hell to get it completed by the *single* deadline?
Essentially - the art is to pull out at axe and chop the major goal into MUCH SMALLER digestible pieces that work for you.
I'll do my best to see how i can help. Life's rather frenetic & choatic atm, but it's been something i've been meaning to share for a long while so i look forward to getting around to it, eventually.
Like, it's not that i'm procrastinating is it?! *lol*
Date:8/4/07 22:57
Adobe owns Flash already, r'acquel! See here. I was surprised to find that out too when I downloaded the software into my PC. The latest Flash version, at this time of writing, is 8. I don't really like the interface too, but as time passes, I get more used to it. =)
I heard about Corel Draw, but never used it. Illustrator is more well-known, at least in my ears. =P Adobe products definitely have a steep learning curve. It's intimidating to even begin learning to use it! =O
Well said! At the end of the day, it's the output that counts. If I were the client, I wouldn't be too bothered if you used some unknown program; as long as it looks good, I'm happy! =P
It's an inter-school contest, and yes, a deadline is set for submission of the project. Something tells me this is going to be done at the last minute (hopefully my predictions are way off =P)!
I'm best at working on smaller parts. More digestible, like what you said. =)
I don't think you're procrastinating. I think. I don't know! I'm a bad procrastinator myself too! *ack* =P
Date:19/11/14 08:34
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Date:19/11/14 08:45
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