From: | that frolicsome kid |
To: | Whom this may concern |
Date: | 31 December 2006, 23:04 |
Subject: | Bye '06, Hello '07! |
I myself cannot believe time itself has flown so fast, and I still remember vividly on this very day last year, my family and I were counting down to 2006.
We're going to do the same again, in less than an hour's time. Moving on to January 1, 2007. Time to take down the old calendars. Time to practice writing 2007 instead of 2006 in school exercise books! Time to sober oneself one; never again will I ever repeat the mistakes I made this year (which I can't remember at the moment!). Time to tell myself, "Hey man! It's the new year! Time to turn over a new leaf, into an even better person!"
Hahaha, I have yet to write up my New Year's resolutions! I'll do that on the New Year itself.
I've gained so much this year, MORE THAN EVER in my entire life. Never have I looked at things in such a new, mature perspective. I actually began to learn to value my life and build up and strengthen my self-philosophy and values. I'm really happy and content with myself. I hope you guys are too! =)
Tonight's New Year's Eve BBQ was a total dud, at least that's what I thought unfortunately. The few guests my mom invited weren't the most exciting bunch. They left home before the countdown. Sigh~ But I guess that's okay. I prefer this to be a family event anyway.
I don't know what else to say now. Guess all that I can do now is wait, keep checking on my eBay's sales activity (which is currently only 1, hahaha!) and yeah... waste the final moments of 2006. Not exactly a good idea, but hey, there isn't much I can do now. I think.
45 more minutes to go.
I shall leave you guys here in 2006. I'll wait for everyone in the Western Hemisphere to pass into the New Year, then we can really celebrate. Okay? =P
Comments (7):
Date:31/12/06 23:27
Date:31/12/06 23:39
Whoah! Now that is what I call instant!
Happy New Year to ya katelyn! =)
Date:19/11/14 08:43
Date:19/11/14 08:48
Date:25/7/16 09:03
Date:25/7/16 09:17
Date:25/7/16 09:31
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