24 August 2006

From:that frolicsome kid
To:Whom this may concern
Date:24 August 2006, 12:54
Subject: Experimental failure?  

I had just had my Biology practical exams today, and I think I did terribly in some parts. From today onwards, I shall never see carrots the same way ever again! Cutting off slices of carrots, comparing cross-sections of real carrot against a blurry microscopic plant root, it is all giving me a headache. Luckily, I can do the food tests pretty well!

While waiting for our exams to begin, I had a swell time talking to some of my classmates, and have gotten close to some of them, like Amy. We found out that we have some things in common, and had a blast chatting to each other as well as to some of my friends.

It seems like this term, I have lost my mood to study. I mean, what's wrong with me? Why, after countless number of unpleasant experiences, must I repeat procrastinating and putting my studies on hold till the last minute? And a friend of mine thought that I would feel better by giving me another "statistical advice" that 90% of Form 4 students are worse off than me. Fine, I admit I am not aware of that, but why does he have to compare me with them?

All I want to do now to just relax and slack off, doing nothing, visiting some forums, blogs, websites etc. Boy, have I became another wandering zombie! I must get myself to study, study, study!

Comments (1):

تعد خدمات الاول في المدينة المنورة من افضل الخدمات في مجال التنظيف ومكافحة الحشرات لانها تتميز بجودة المنظفات المستخدمة وامهر عماله تعمل على انهاء مهامها على اكمل وجه وبنظافه ترضى العميل بالاضافة الى خدمة مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات المتميزة لدينا
مستودعات تخزين اثاث بالرياض
شركة غسيل شقق بالمدينة المنورة
شركة تنظيف كنب بالمدينة المنورة